Donald Trump - Tabloid and Broadsheet

The Daily mirror is a typically tabloid newspaper that often talks about recent substantial political changes such as Trump winning the election as you can infer with the image above. This is a biased view and a left wing view at that. From the cover we see the statue of liberty an instantly recognizable figure of America covering its face as one would do in embarrassment. We can infer that the image and text accompanying it is implying that America should be embarrassed. The statue of liberty connotes freedom and liberty and for it to cover its face may suggest that a left wing government may be incoming, this also further implies the "Daily Mirrors" potential left wing bias. The text questioning "What have they done?" may be a question on behalf of the British nation (do remember the "Daily Mirror" is a British newspaper) to America asking why they have elected a figure like Trump to rule their nation.The emphasis on the word "they" almost seems as if the paper is distancing the British from the American. The black smog in the background may suggest America has an impending doom coming towards them due to the newly elected President, the tagline on the bottom may even possibly imply the whole world is possibly in danger.

The headline and central image quite clearly suggests that both the "Daily Mirror" and its audience do not support Trump as a leader, the strap-line may even imply that they also do not follow his values and beliefs. The majority of their audience may have the same view on this election

"The Times" known for being once a broadsheet newspaper now tabloid has taken some of it's previous roots and created a cover that is more broadsheet. It has no puns as a headline and shares no political bias or opinion. The cover simply stating " the new world" may suggest its choosing to focus more on the challenges trump faces to reassure the world about his presidency and journey to "make america great again". This is bizarre since "The Times" is known for being a right wing paper. With Trump being politically right wing we would expect "The Times" to rejoice with this election however it doesn't, it shows a fairly neutral stance.

The representation of this event shown may suggest that "The Times" possibly have no real opinion on Donald Trump as political figure or even support his values and beliefs. The paper plays it safe when considering that the majority of the British audiences view on Trump is fairly negative. The editors may have taken this into fact to avoid a storm of hate coming from readers or it may just be that this is not a right wing figure they can rejoice over.


  1. 1. No, this paper is left-leaning, not right-wing.
    2. We do not 'denote' an image. The image / text denotes elements or signs. We infer, interpret or receives messages created in different ways. The elements denoted have connotations that we interpret.
    3. Trump is a Republican, definitely not left-leaning!
    4. The Mirror is not a magazine but a British daily newspaper.
    The Times:
    5. This is a right-leaning paper.
    5. This front page is fairly neutral about the election of Trump. We could have assumed that they would rejoice at Trump's election but here, they seem a bit cautious.

    Some important mistakes that need correcting.


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